RTO 45165 | MTO.0048
Apprentice Portal

Unit Review Survey Form

Help us with continuous improvement.
FOSE Training Delivery Review Form

Training Delivery Review

We are required under our regulatory approvals to seek feedback from trainees to help us with continuous improvement of our training. Your cooperation in undertaking this quick, anonymous survey is very much appreciated. This survey relates to your experience for a specific unit of competency and should only be used for completed units.


Please provide your feedback by way of star ratings whereby 0 stars = very poor / 5 stars = excellent.


You may optionally leave up to two feedback comments. Please restrict each comment to one specific topic /max 500 characters. Comments should ideally relate to the unit, assessments, trainer or facilities and should positively serve the purpose of continuous improvement.

©2024 Flight One Education Pty Ltd trading as Flight One School of Engineering.
A proud member of the Flight One Group.

RTO 45165    MTO.0048    ABN 77 616 020 485